Do you like cats?
My name is Marty Ames. Short for Martha. I’ve been a cat owner and all around cat lover for 55+ years. In fact, I can’t remember a time I was ever without a kitty. Kitties make the best pets. Right now I own 4 beautiful kitties named: Jonesey, Merlin, Capitan, and Darla. Do you have kitties, too? If you’re like me, I’m sure you take tons of polaroids, too.
I was primarily sharing them with my red hat society gal pals. This is when the best idea came to me!! Why not capture these beautiful pictures and the wacky things they do and create a yearbook to remember how they’ve grown each year. Plus, these make wonderful gift ideas for family and friends. Just ask mine! Cat yearbooks are going to be the next big craze. Which is why I’ve created this easy to use web site all about cat yearbooks. This is your one stop shop to build and buy your kitty yearbook. Again, don’t forget to buy an extra or two for your friends and family. They aren’t going to want to miss the fun and crazy things your fur babies are doing.
If you're new to the cat-ownership world, you'll also find lots of helpfulinformationon cat care and behaviur here. Many category pages have article, there's an informative blog, and also free downloadeable brochures that can be copyed or printed by shelters, cat rescue groups, pet sitters, or veterinarians to help educate people about cats. Just roll your cursor over the Menu . Click on any menu item to go directly that page. You'll also see flyout menus that will pop out to the right of the main menu, showing sub-categories of more specific products to help you find exactly what you need!
Or, you can use the Product Search function (you may need to scroll down a little) to look for a particular item.
Remember, this is a labor of love, from one cat lover to nother. We're a small business, founded by a genuine old maid cat lady who loves her cats the same as if they were her children, just like you do yours. All products are shipped directly to you from our suppliers; we don't maintain any inventory. This eliminates double shipping, warehousing and staffing that would drive up costs, allowing us to price our items as reasonably as possible. When it comes to shipping, we charge you only what our suppliers charge us to ship the items to you. Those retailers who offer you "free" shipping are only raising their prices to cover the cost of shipping, and we'd rather be honest with you about it. If our suppliers include shipping in the prices of the items, we offer the same to you. We try to treat all our customers the way we'd like to be treated ourselves, and appreciate your taking the time to get to know us a little. If you'd like to know more, click on the "About Us" link in the menu.
Cats are fantastic
for more, please check out our about us page

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Updated August, 2003